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We provide resources to help businesses navigate the complex landscape of AI and other emerging technologies through an ethical lens.

Image by Conny Schneider

The ETN is an industry-led network


We provide resources to help businesses navigate the complex landscape of AI and other emerging technologies through an ethical lens.


A growing number of government agencies, and civil society organisations are calling for more awareness and actions to address emerging technologies' potential risks to individuals, society and the environment. 


However, there is a lack of coordinated effort to provide businesses with the information and resources they need to embed ethical practices into their product and services.

We believe it has become critical to facilitate these resources to support startups, scale-ups and SMEs with the practical tools they need to develop a clear ethical strategy.


An Ecosystem of Trust

In the last few months, we have seen increasing concerns about the risks posed by technologies like Generative AI and the urgent need to regulate the uses and applications of Artificial Intelligence.


We believe that now is the time to bring together industry experts to build an "Ecosystem of Trust" that will support businesses to get the necessary advice, training and resources.


The Ethical Technology Network focus on the following areas:​​

 1. Practical and demonstrable processes to identify, assess, and mitigate potential societal and ethical risks of AI and other emerging technologies.​


2. Updates on current and future AI regulations.​


3. Training to provide AI professionals with the necessary skills to understand the complexity of sociotechnical systems.


4. Establish a Knowledge Hub to share best practices.

5. An ethical first approach based on Human rights and Privacy by Design.



© Collective Intelligence.

Bristol, UK 2024.


The Ethical Technology Network is part of Collective Intelligence. 

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